
  1. Requested Items
  2. Arac, Jonathan. "Toward a Critical Genealogy of the U. S. Discourse of Identity- Invisible Man after Fifty Years." Boundary 2- An International Journal of Literature and Culture 30.2 (2003)- 195-216
  3. Benston, Kimberly W. Speaking for You: The Vision of Ralph Ellison. Washington, D.C.: Howard UP, 1987
  4. Brody, Jennifer De Vere. "The Blackness of Blackness ...- Reading the Typography of Invisible Man." Theatre Journal 57.4 (2005)- 679-698
  5. Curtin, Maureen F. Out of Touch: Skin Tropes and Identities in Woolf, Ellison, Pynchon, and Acker. New York: Routledge, 2003.
  6. Dinerstein, Joel. Swinging the Machine: Modernity, Technology, and African American Clture Between the World Wars. Amherst, MA: U Massachussetts P, 2003
  7. Ellison, Ralph
  8. Fisher, Jerilyn and Ellen S. Silber. Women in Literature: Reading Through the Lens of Gender. Westport, CT: Greenwood P, 2003
  9. Ford, Douglas. _Waveforms Constantly Changing: Postmodernizing Electricity in American Fiction
  10. German, Norman. "Imagery in the 'Battle Royal' Chapter of Ralph Ellison's _Invisible Man_." _College Language Association Journal_ 31.4 (1988) 394-399
  11. Hogeland, Lisa Maria. "Invisible Man and Invisible Women: The Sex-Race Analogy of the 1970s." Women's History Review 5.1 (1996): 31-53
  12. Kehl, D. J. "Ralph Ellison's Surrealism and Salvador Dali's Invisible Man." Notes on Contemporary Literature 31.2 (2001)- 5-7
  13. Lhamon, W.T. Jr. Deliberate Speed: The Origins of a Cultural Style in the American 1950s: Washington, Smithsonian Institute P, 1990
  14. May, Lary. _Recasting America: Culture and Politics in the Age of Cold War_. Chicago: U Chicago P, 1989
  15. Mullen, Harryette. "Optic White- Blackness and the Production of Whiteness." Diacritics 24.2/3 (Summer-Autumn 1994)- 71-89.pdf
  16. O'Meally, Robert G. "The Rules of Magic: Hemingway as Ellison's Ancestor." _Southern Review_ 21 (July 1985): 751-769
  17. Posnock, Ross. _The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Ellison_ Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005
  18. Shank, Barry. "Bliss, or Blackface Sentiment." Boundary 2- An International Journal of Literature and Culture 30.2 (2003)- 47-64

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