Hogeland, Lisa Maria. "Invisible Man and Invisible Women: The Sex-Race Analogy of the 1970s." Women's History Review 5.1 (1996): 31-53

  1. 033 tension between revolutionary and traditional
  2. 031 Gallop on attraction of IM
  3. 033 Rise of Black Power and SDS
  4. 035 Restocking: racism comes out of sexim
  5. 035 Firestone, Shulamith Oedipalization of racism as stemming from sexism, cybernetic socialism
  6. 038 Tiptree's "The Women Men Don't See" transformation of hole
  7. 041-042 "speaking for" similar to consciousness-raising
  8. 045 white men relate to blacks as men to women
  9. 045 race considered stable term
  10. 046 Fantasy of coalition

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