Mullen, Harryette. "Optic White- Blackness and the Production of Whiteness." Diacritics 24.2/3 (Summer-Autumn 1994)- 71-89.pdf

  1. 072 Mullen accepts racial taint theory
  2. 073 Assimilation the production of whiteness
  3. 074 assimilation depends on binary conception of race
  4. 074 Brockway cognizant of machines
  5. 074 cyborg knowledge that racial purity does not exist
  6. 076 controlling machines of production rather than being cybernated
  7. 076 argues that "dead black man" at center of paint production
  8. 076 Brockway a "mammy"; Mammy as cultural producer
  9. 077 technical metaphor allows miscegenation without violating sexual taboo
  10. 077 Ellison's IM is about black male in search of techonological mastery
  11. 077 systematic denial of access to blacks is what makes passing a problem of inauthenticity
  12. 080 light-skin capital whose value is realized only upon separation from kinship network
  13. 082 masculinity tied to whiteness (masculinity performance)
  14. 083 Blacks by means of technology represent soul in music
  15. 085 combining media a form of gene-splicing
  16. 087 passing produce whiteness, suppresses blackness
  17. 087 voice is marker of blackness and soulfulness
  18. 088 shift from 1900s repression of blackness to late 20th century expression of blackness: reproduction to cybernation

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