Arac, Jonathan. "Toward a Critical Genealogy of the U. S. Discourse of Identity- Invisible Man after Fifty Years." Boundary 2- An International Journal of Literature and Culture 30.2 (2003)- 195-216

  1. 197 Huck Finn's ascension at price of Unlce Tom's Cabin
  2. 201 Michael Denning locates IM among 1930s multiculturalism
  3. 204 Ellison appears to agree with Kenneth Burke that identity is not individual
  4. 205 IM born in belief of Integration: opposes "identity politics"
  5. 208 Erik Erikson defines identity
  6. 210-211 identity composed of many corporate identities
  7. 214 Evidence IM is an oral document, subaltern artifact
  8. 199 Shelby Steele degrades Beloved as protest novel
  9. 212-213 progress replaced by possibility
  10. 214 Looters a schizoid pack
  11. 216 Points to non-print media (vinyl)
  12. 215 IM a jeremiad, affirming American ideal over empirical America

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